Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Biochemistry life..

Aku seorang penuntut ilmu. Jangan lelah, jangan lemah.

I am BIOCHEMISTRY course student. I like it even it is tough. Why i like it? Because i can know how amazing His creations are.
Very very amazing. Subhanallah.

I'm proud to be biochemistry student. Haha. =)

This semester's subjects:
1. Neurochemistry
2. Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
3. Microbial Technology
4. Physiological and Medical Biochemistry

Career we can choose..

Nota cinta:
~ Alhamdulillah hari ini test ke-4. Microb. Moga keputusan baik.
~  this semester taught me to be a doctor
~ aku ini sedang belajar berkomunikasi dengan pensyarah. nampak pelik ke? hmm, apa boleh buat, dulu tak berapa rajin. =D
~ fact: my lecturer know me well. how surprised i am..
~ petang tadi baca tentang Short-term memory and long-term memory. subjek neuro. menarik,kena rajin mentelaah lagi.
~ Jom jadi rajin.